ATTENTION: we are not able to manually translate the entire content of the platform because the platform is growing very fast. The content is entered in English and translated automatically. We apologize if there are mistakes in text which are caused by automatic translation. Because we are trying to help the growing international community of Oziway users, we think that it is more important to deliver the content in many languages to many people, at least in a way which is mostly correct (even if it has mistakes), than to omit many people. We will try to fix the most obvious translation mistakes.


We are looking for exclusive distributors to actively work with us in expanding our business in their area or city for a mutual profit

Be our distributor


Be who you want to be

In Oziway anyone can register and work with us in any way

- The customer buys products

- The seller sells their products (we as Oziway are also a seller of our own products)

- The promoter promotes these products

- But there is also the role of the Distributor

- The distributor is between the Customer and Promoter to deliver our Oziway products to the customer






Promoters and Oziway (with email and social media campaigns) actively look for customers in your city. These customers will place orders on Oziway or with you directly. Once you have all the orders, you buy the products from us. We send them to you and you distribute them to your customers

Sellers do not need to send any application to be a seller, they can just use their normal Oziway accounts to start selling

Promoters do not need to send any application to be a promoter, they can just use their normal Oziway accounts to start promoting

Customers do not need to send any application to be a customer, they can just use their normal Oziway accounts to start buying

Distributors however, need to apply to be a Distributor because we give them an exclusive business opportunity in the area or city, they are our Exclusive Distributor



- Direct customer orders to you

- Direct Promoters to you (they promote the products which you deliver)

- Help you in contacting new Promoters. The more promoters you have, the more orders will be directed through your account

- Execute email campaigns to customers in your city or area, informing them that you are the Distributor



- Look for new Promoters

- Look for new Customers

- Wait for Customers to place orders so that you buy them and deliver

- Order products from us and deliver to customers

- Do you have customers for different products than those we have on offer? Tell us about this, we will try to supply them

- Supply us with a list of emails that we can regularly inform about our products and our distributor (you)

- Advertise Oziway on the internet and to your friends. We want many people to join



Are you interested in becoming an EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORE in your area?

Contact Us so that we can start to earn a profit together



Do you want to read more interesting articles on the Oziway Platform?

Below you will find interesting articles on different topics

- How to start promoting : click the link here

- Create a website by copying a template : click the link here

- How to start selling : click the link here

- How to add a product via email : click the link here

- A list of all the countries where Oziway has a website : click the link here

- General Help Section : click the link here

- How the Oziway system works : click the link here

- How much money can be earned : click the link here

- General FAQ (Frequently asked questions) : click the link here

- How to choose a particular Sellers offer : click the link here

- How to publish a Wholesale Product : click the link here

- How to create a custom offer from Wholesale Products : click the link here

- List of all categories (you can use this while posting products by email : click the link here

- How to modify the products on your website (after you received the default website during registration): click the link here

- How to add a request if you don't find what you were looking for: click the link here

- How to import from China securely: click the link here
